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El Tipi Dürbün Refraktometreler
Ekonomik seri olan bu refraktometreler bir cok endustride kullanılmaktadır. Bu basit, güvenilir el refraktometreler meyve suları, reçel, bal, meşrubat, meyve olgunlugu, pancar ve seker kamışı suları, soslar, çözünebilir yağlar, deterjanlar, antifriz ve sayısız diğer ürünlerin Brix degerleri için uygundur Bu Urun Yelpazesınde Saglanan Skalalar Brix (% sucrose) - low or high range Refractive index Water in Honey Salt (sodium chloride) Salinity (of sea water) Serum protein Urine Battery Antifreeze Alcohol (ethyl alcohol in water) Alcohol (approximate % volume in wine) Baume Babo (Italian) KMW (Austrian) Oechsle Urea Concentration(%DEF or AdBlue)
Water Bath for evaporation Order No 1023
Applications For gentle steaming work with Erlenmeyer flasks and beakers.
Shaking Water Bath Order No 1083
Applications GFL Shaking Water Baths are particularly used whenever exactly reproducible temperatures are required for shaking tasks. Their scope of applications comprises incubations, fermentations, homogenisations, chemical and biochemical reactions, enzyme and tissue studies.
Radleys Mya 4 Reaction Station
A 4-zone reaction station offering safe and precise heating, active cooling,software control and data-logging for 24/7 unattended chemistry
As a compact table top unit, the OLEUM centrifuge is used for oil test methods. Therefore, water content in the mineral oil is examinated. The OLEUM centrifuge comes with a four place swing out rotor which accomodates cushions for oil test tubes according to ASTM: Conical or Pearshaped form.
Multi-Range Vacuum Gauge PIZA 111 cr - gold
With the Multi-Range Vacuum Gauge types PIZA 111 and PIZA 111 cr – gold, you can measure absolute pressures in the vacuum range which is created by water jet pumps, diaphragm pumps, piston pumps, rotary vane pumps and similar devices. The surfaces of the different wetted parts of the sensor for the PIZA cr - gold have been specially treated, making it highly resistant to chemicals. The Multi-Range Vacuum Gauges are supplied as a hand-held instrument. The range of applications for the Multi-Range Vacuum Gauge is determined by the following characteristics: - Measuring range 1050 mbar to 0.001 mbar, SP1 function display, with automatic switchover between capacitive and Pirani measuring ranges. - Capacitive absolute pressure measurement in the range from 5 (10) to 1050 mbar; SP 2 function display. - Vacuum measurement according to the pirani principle in the range from 0.001 to 10 (5) mbar; SP 3 function display. - Two-point calibration of the capacitive measuring range - Two-point calibration of the Pirani measuring range - High display resolution in digital read-out - High display speed Scope of delivery: vacuum sensor, KF16 flange, 8 – 10 mm stepped hose nozzle, cable, AC/DC adapter and 9V battery. TD 1 C
dvanced measurement area up to 300 mN/m or 5 g Automatic maximum detection Output of the measured values to optional printer at the touch of a button Automatic measurement value corrections according to Zuidema and Waters Semi-automatic calibration in three accuracy levels with calibration weights Input of ring/plate dimensions possible Storage of up to 500 measurement results with parameters Numeric, user-defined sample designation
ISF1-Z incubator shaker
ISF1-Z inkübatör çalkalayıcı, laboratuvarlardaki, araştırma merkezlerindeki ve üretim tesislerindeki uygulamalar için uygundur.İnkübatör çalkalayıcı, mikrobiyal, bitki ve hayvan hücre kültürleri için uygulanabilir.
High-Res Process Refraktometre
SCHMIDT + HAENSCH is proud to present the in-Line Process Refractometer High Resulution 2 model. This inline refractometer is perfect for all applications where a measuring needs to be as precise as laboratory testing. The iPR-HR2 is unrivaled in accuracy and can most certainly be claimed the world’s most precise process sensor. With a special water cooling system, the iPR-HR2 not only allows measuring in hot process environments and cleaning in place (CIP) – it also and ensures reliable measurements throughout its long product life span. SPECIFICATIONS iPR HR 2 Measuring range 1 1.3200 - 1.3720 RI / 0 - 25 Brix Measuring range 2 1.4200 - 1.6000 RI / 50 - 100 Brix Resolution 0.000005 RI / 0.002 Brix Reproducibility ± 0.00004 RI / ± 0.02 Brix at 25°C ± 0.01 Brix up to 2% Process temperature -10°C up to + 100°C (with water cooling installed) Ambient temperature -10 - 45°C Pressure load capacity MPa (145 psi, 10 bar) - up to 30 bar available with APV conncection External power supply 20 V - 30 V DC ( at 24 V and 0.11 A) Interfaces 2 insulated 4 - 20 mA analog outputs 2 digital output switch (up to 1 A) 1 serial output (RS232, alternativly RS485 or USB) Power supply 24 V DC Prism Sapphire Light source / wavelength 589 nm LED Process contact material Sapphire, Stainless steel or Hastelloy Mounting accessories VariVent (Tuchenhagen), APV or TriClamp** * Standard conditions (589 nm, 20°C) ** Optional
Full Range Inline Process Refraktometre
SPECIFICATIONS iPR FR2 Measuring range 1 1.3200 - 1.5300 RI / 0-100 Brix Measuring range 2 1.4200 - 1.6000 RI / 50 - 100 Brix Resolution 0.00001 RI / 0.01 Brix Accuracy ±0.00007 RI / ± 0,05 Brix at 25° C Process temperature - 10°C to 150°C (with water cooling) Ambient temperature - 10° to + 45°C Pressure load capacity MPa (145 psi, 10 bar) - up to 30 bar available with APV conncection Temperature measurement NTC sensor for measurement of sample temperature placed inside the prism Interfaces 2 insulated 4 - 20 mA analog outputs 2 digital output switch (up to 1 A) 1 serial output (RS232, alternativly RS485 or USB) Power supply 24 V DC Prism Sapphire Light source / wavelength 589 nm LED Process pressure (max.) MPa (145 psi, 10 bar) Process contact material Sapphire, Stainless steel or Hastelloy Mounting accessories VariVent (Tuchenhagen), APV or TriClamp** * Standard conditions (589 nm, 20°C) ** Optional
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1102
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, such as e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Shaking Water Bath Order No 1086
Applications GFL Shaking Water Baths are particularly used whenever exactly reproducible temperatures are required for shaking tasks. Their scope of applications comprises incubations, fermentations, homogenisations, chemical and biochemical reactions, enzyme and tissue studies.
Multi-Range Vacuum Gauge PIZA 111
With the Multi-Range Vacuum Gauge types PIZA 111 and PIZA 111 cr – gold, you can measure absolute pressures in the vacuum range which is created by water jet pumps, diaphragm pumps, piston pumps, rotary vane pumps and similar devices. The Multi-Range Vacuum Gauges are supplied as a hand-held instrument. The range of applications for the Multi-Range Vacuum Gauge is determined by the following characteristics: - Measuring range 1050 mbar to 0.001 mbar, SP1 function display, with automatic switchover between capacitive and Pirani measuring ranges. - Capacitive absolute pressure measurement in the range from 5 (10) to 1050 mbar; SP 2 function display. - Vacuum measurement according to the pirani principle in the range from 0.001 to 10 (5) mbar; SP 3 function display. - Two-point calibration of the capacitive measuring range - Two-point calibration of the Pirani measuring range - High display resolution in digital read-out - High display speed Scope of delivery: vacuum sensor, KF16 flange, 8 – 10 mm stepped hose nozzle, cable, AC/DC adapter and 9V battery.
SPECIFICATIONS DHR 95 Calibration Distilled Water Prism Material Optical Glass Sample Temperature 5 - 60 Degree Celsius Ambient Temperature 5 - 40 Degree Celsius Automatic Temperature Correction 5 - 70 Degree Celsius for 0 - 80 Brix Dimensions (LxWxD) 115 x 54 x 30 mm Weight 85 Grams (without Batteries fitted) Power 2xAAA Batteries Ratings & Compliance IP65 Dustproof/Water Resistant, CE, RoHS DHR 95 Key Features• 2 measurement scales:-Brix with Automatic Temperature Correction (ATC)-Refractive Index• 5-digit, full view LCD screen• Results displayed in 2 seconds• Holster Carrying Case Available as AccessoryTypical applications of the models• Agriculture• Veterinary• Industrial• Beverage• Food• Wine Range of Models S+H model Scale Range Resolution Accuracy DHR 95 (Standard Model)Code number 16004 Sugar % (Brix)Refractive Index (RI) 0 ‐ 951.33 ‐ 1.54 0.10.0001 ± 0.2± 0.0003 DHR HoneyCode number 16009 Sugar % (Brix)Water in Honey % 0 ‐ 9510 ‐ 30 0.10.1 ± 0.2± 0.2 DHR WineCode number 16010 % Mass w/wAlcohol Probable (AP) 0 ‐ 350 ‐ 22 0.10.1 ± 0.2± 0.2 DHR OeCode number 16011 % Mass w/w° Oechsle 0 ‐ 3530 ‐ 130 0.11 ± 0.2± 1 DHR SalineCode number 16012 Sugar % (Brix)Saline (NaCl) 0 ‐ 540‐ 28 0.10.1 ± 0.2± 0.2 DHR AquaCode number 16013 Seawater PPT (Part Per Thousand)Seawater Specific Gravity (SG) 0 ‐ 1801.000 ‐ 1.070 10.0005 ± 1± 0.001 DHR VetCode number 16014 Urine Specific Gravity (SG) small mammalUrine Specific Gravity (SG) large mammal 1.000 ‐ 1.0501.000 ‐ 1.050 0.00050.0001 ± 0.001± 0.001 DHR PGCode number 16015 Propylene Glycol % by volumePropylene Glycol °C Protection 0 ‐ 600 to ‐ 50 0.11 ± 0.4± 1 DHR EGCode number 16016 Ethylene Glycol % by volumeEthylene Glycol °C Protection 0 ‐ 600 to ‐ 50 0.11 ± 0.4± 1 DHR DEFCode number 16017 % BrixFor measuring AdBlue© 0 ‐ 540 ‐ 40 0.10.1 ± 0.2± 0.2 - Further scales upon request!
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1103
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, such as e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Shaking Water Bath Order No 1092
Applications GFL Shaking Water Baths are particularly used whenever exactly reproducible temperatures are required for shaking tasks. Their scope of applications comprises incubations, fermentations, homogenisations, chemical and biochemical reactions, enzyme and tissue studies
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1104
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, such as e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples
Thermolab Order No 1070
Applications THERMOLAB ® is versatilely applicable and exemplary when an excellent temperature constancy is called for, e. g. for polymerase chain reactions (PCR), for the preparation of enzyme and DNA tests or hybridisations
Vacuum Control-Box VCB 521 cv
Benchtop unit as digital, chemistry-resistant vacuum stabilizers. With integrated sensor, ventilation-, control- and check valve. Ceramic sensor integrated Accuracy in sum linearity, hysteresis, reproductibility < +-0.3% FS Sensor signal 0.5 to 4.5 V (optionally also 4..20 mA by jumper possible) Pressure indicator digital or graphically Switching- / control accuracy ±1 digit Output signal digital 24 VDC Communication interface RS 232, SUB-D plug 9-pole Operating voltage 90-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 30 W Output voltage 24 VDC Protective system IP 20 Working temperature 15 to 40°C Fuse (internal controller) 5 A Connection vacuum apparatus Hose nozzle DN 8 Connection vacuum pump Hose nozzle DN 8 Connection inert gas Hose nozzle DN 4 Connection water valve Binder plug 4-pole 24V DC Filling level sensor option.
SPECIFICATIONS ATR-P Measuring scales Refractive Index (RI), Sucrose (%Brix)Up to 1000 scales freely definable Measuring range 1.32000 - 1.54000 RI / 100% Brix Resolution 0.00001 RI / 0.01% Brix Precision ± 0,00002 RI / ± 0.02% Brix Reproducibility ± 0.00001 RI / ± 0.01% Brix Ambient temperature + 10° to + 40°C Automatic temperature compensation + 5° to + 50°C Temperature measurement NTC sensor for measurement of sample temperature placed inside the prism Temperature controlTemperature range Temperature control prism / sample by external water bath5°C / 50°C Measurement mode Single sample or flow through measurement / horizontal or vertical usage Prism Sapphire Light source / wavelength LED, interference filter 589 nm Display 7" Touchscreen, 800 x 480 Pixel, 16 Bit colors Operation Touchscreen, keyboard**, mouse**, barcode reader**, remote via PC** Interfaces 1 x RS232 C serial, 3 x USB (A), 1 x USB (B), 1 x Ethernet, Easy connection of keyboard, mouse, printer, barcode reader,PC and network Conformity International Pharmacopoea, ASTM, AOAC, DIN, FDA, ICUMSA and others Highlights Robust stainless steel measuring head for rough enviroments; High performance and accuracy; Continuous measurement;ESH¹ chamber; MBS² as stand alone with L-Display or polarimeter; Easy calibration; GLP/GMP;With theL-Display: Maintenancefriendlybyremotediagnostic; Intuitive userhandling guided OPsystem; Installationwizard;Full traceability of records; Ext. LIMS integration; Huge storage for 1000 products each with 1000 methods; 21 CFR part 11ready conformity³1 Easy sample handling; ² Modular build-in-system; 3 Optional software module for the L-Display Weight / dimensions Measuring Head: 4.5 kg; 200 x 160 x 135 mm (width x depth x height)L-Display: 3.0 kg; 240 x 190 x 150 mm (width x depth x height)
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1105
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for heating up medical compresses/hot packs as well as for incubations and inactivations of cultures, e. g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1108
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, such as e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Ring/Plate Tensiometer TD 3
Technical features TD 3 Measuring range surface and interfacial tension mN/m 0…300 (ring method); 0…999 (plate method); resolution: 0.01 Density measurement kg/m3 0…2000; resolution: 1 Weight measurement mg 0…5000; resolution: 0.1 Measuring mode selection/parameter input Ring/plate/density/weight/menu-driven Measuring point interval Minute 0...120, selectable Measurement memory Results max. 500, with date and time Ring correction Automatic based on Zuidema and Waters Stability criterion Standard deviation over option of 3…9 measurements Temperature range (PTT) °C 5…80 (±0.1) Magnetic stirrer Integrated into the PTT, adjustable (10 levels) Stage movement mm/s 0.1…1 (10 levels) Interface RS 232, Command remote control Control and evaluation Command remote control (control, display, documented data storage) Ambient temperature range °C 10…40 Power consumption W 10 Dimensions (WxDxH) mm 245x205x335 Weight kg 9.5 Cat. No. 90…240 V; 50/60 Hz LMT 850 incl. power supply unit
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1112
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, such as e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1113
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, such as e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Heated Platens | Electrically Powered
Controlled temperature to 300°C with water cooling 15 Ton load bearing capacity 100mm diameter pressing surface Compatible with all Specac Atlas Hydraulic Presses CE Safety approved
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1002
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, such as e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1003
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, as well as e. g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Incubation/Inactivation Water Bath Order No 1004
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples, as well as for heating up medical compresses/hot packs.
Incubation/Inactivation Water Bath Order No 1005
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for heating up medical compresses/hot packs as well as for incubations and inactivations of cultures, e. g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Incubation/Inactivation Water Bath Order No 1008
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, as well as e. g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Water Still for single distillation Order No 2001/2
Applications GFL Water Stills are used in research and development e. g. for preparing bacteriological and medical samples, for cell and tissue cultures as well as for the production of reagents and unguents. Moreover, distillate is used for cleaning and sterilisation processes, for buffered solutions as well as microbiological and analytical applications.
Incubation/Inactivation Water Bath Order No 1012
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Water Still for single distillation Order No 2001/4
Applications GFL Water Stills are used in research and development e. g. for preparing bacteriological and medical samples, for cell and tissue cultures as well as for the production of reagents and unguents. Moreover, distillate is used for cleaning and sterilisation processes, for buffered solutions as well as microbiological and analytical applications.
Incubation/Inactivation Water Bath Order No 1013
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Water Bath for fume hoods Order No 1031
Applications For gentle steaming work with Erlenmeyer flasks, beakers, etc. This special bath is also preferred for the protected use in fume hoods (digestories).
Water Bath for fume hoods Order No 1032
Applications For gentle steaming work with Erlenmeyer flasks, beakers, etc. This special bath is also preferred for the protected use in fume hoods (digestories).
Multiple Water Bath Order No 1041
Applications Especially suitable when particular requirements to quality and quantity have to be met, e. g. for gentle multiple steaming work from columns, Erlenmeyer flasks or beakers.
Multiple Water Bath Order No 1042
Applications Especially suitable when particular requirements to quality and quantity have to be met, e. g. for gentle multiple steaming work from columns, Erlenmeyer flasks or beakers.
MMM Climacell 111 - ECO line
The conditioned chambers of the CLIMACELL product line provide all conditions for exact and reproducible simulation of various climatic conditions, applicable e.g. in testing of stability components and food or chemicals packages, or in studies of germs, plant or tissue cultures, and insects. These devices offer an interesting alternative to expensive testing chambers and testing rooms. Microprocessor-controlled system of humidification and dehumidification with a powerful lighting system guarantees excellent homogenous parameters for testing and growth conditions. Inner volume: 111, 222, 404, 707 and 1212 liters Working temperature: From 0.0°C up to 100°C (without humidity); from 10°C to 95.0°C (with humidity) Refrigerant: R134(R449a Medium for humidity development: demi water Humidity range: 10%-98% RH Microprocessor-controlled system of humidification/dehumidification Inner glass door Inner chamber: Stainless steel DIN 1.4301 (AISI 304) High-quality family of climatic boxes – active simulation of temperature, humidity and lighting (option) Chamber volume 111 litres Temperature range: from - 20°C to + 100°C with no humidity, from 10°C to 90,0°C with humidity Exact process control thanks to Fuzzy logic technology Patented newly developed cooling system with vertical winding for easier removal of condensate and integrated overpressure steam generator develop stable parameters of humidity within the range of 10-98% and it reacts very quickly to requirements of change with minimal impact on temperature change. Exact infrared sensor CO2, exact valves and patented circulation of inner atmosphere arranges regulation of CO2 within the range of 0,1-20% for simulation of growth conditions for green plants or tissue cultures (option) User-friendly control using the touch display, integrated data logger, multi-language communication, 100 programs – each of them with up to 100 segments offering unique interface suitable for simple applications and for demanding users as well. Traditional fluorescence or more powerful LED lighting placed in the doors or in the racks of the device, adjustable lighting intensity in 1% steps, optional spectrum of lighting supporting day and night simulation in any location of the world or testing of stability or ageing of materials in industrial locations (option) Wide selection of optional equipment and accessories Extended possibilities of connection via RS 232, USB, USB, WIFI, Ethernet Possibility of validation (IQ , OQ) Technical data Interior of stainless steel material volume111 l depth370 mm width540 mm height530 mm Volume of the steam space 163 aprox. l Trays, stainless steel *) Min. distance between trays70 mm number usual2 pcs number max.7 pcs Storage area (w × d)520 × 335 mm Number of outer metal doors number1 pcs Number of inner glass doors number1 pcs Admissible weight of trays together inside the oven50 kg per 1 tray20 kg Electricity data Max. power1700 W Protective systemIP 20 mains 50/60Hz230 V Temperature data Cooling/down time from 22 °C to 10 °C< 21 min Heating/up time to 37 °C from the ambient temperature11 min Working temperature from 0,0 to100 °C Working temperature from -20 to100 °C Temperature accuracy - in time0,2 ± °C Temperature accuracy in time at 10 °C< 0,5 ±°C Temperature accuracy in time at 37 °C< 0,5 ±°C Recovery time after 30 sec. door open according DIN 12 880 at 37 °C4 min at 50 °C5 min Relative humidity range10–98 % Heat emission at 37 °C70 W Outer dimensions (incl. Door and handle, and Rollers) depth750 mm width760 mm height1140 mm Weight brut cca146 kg nett cca104 kg Note: All technical data are related to 22 °C of ambient temperature and ±10 % voltage swing rate ventilator 100 %, defrost off, lighting off.