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Toplam 217 kayıt bulundu.
ML - Semi-Automatic Benchtop Sterilizers

ML - Semi-Automatic Benchtop Sterilizers

23 litre ile 160 litre arasında değişen sterilizasyon hacmi seçenekleriyle, Tuttnauer ML manuel kontrollü otoklav serisi; düşük hassasiyetli malzeme sterilizasyonuna ihtiyaç duyan laboratuvarlarda kulanılmak için tasarlanmıştır.   Model Hücre ebatları( x derinlik) (mm) Hücre hacmi(litre) Dış ölçüleri(W x H x D) (mm) 2540 ML 250 x 400 23 495 x 645 x 335 3150 ML 310 x 500 40 580 x 780 x 410 3170 ML 310 x 700 55 580 x 960 x 415 3850 ML 380 x 490 62 650 x 745 x 500 3870 ML 380 x 690 85 650 x 925 x 500 5050 ML 500 x 500 110 880 x 780 x 700 5075 ML 500 x 750 160 880 x 1010 x 700 Özellikler ► Güvenlik kilidi ile hücre içi basınçlıyken kapağın açılması önlenmiştir. ► Kapak açıksa veya düzgün kilitlenmemişse sterilizasyon döngüsü başlamaz. ► Hücre içi basınç atmosfer basıncı seviyelerine düşmeden kapak kilidi açılmaz. ► Hücre güvenlik valfleri ile donatılmıştır ve eğer basınç izin verilen seviyeyi aşarsa bu valfler deşarj olur. ► Sterilizasyon hücresi uzun ömürlü, paslanmaya dirençli, 316Ti grade paslanmaz çelikten imal edilmiştir. ► Sterilizasyon hacmi (lt ) : 23,40,55,62,85,110,160   HIZLI SOĞUTMA  Sterilizasyon hücresinin çevresine sarılan borularda soğuk su sirkülasyonu ile sıvı yüklerin sıcaklığı hızlı bir şekilde düşürülür. Bu seçenek özellikle hassas sıvı yüklerin sterilizasyonu için kullanışlıdır.  Hızlı soğutma, sirkülasyon sarımlarından suyun geçişi ile aynı anda buharın basıncının azalmasını dengelemek üzere basınçlı havanın sterilizasyon hücresine enjekte edilmesi ile yapılır. Ve soğutma süresini 75% oranında azaltır.     A)HIZLI SOĞUTMA KOMPRESSOR SPESIFIKASYONLARI Hücre hacmi (litre) Hava basıncı (Bar) Flow Rate (litre/dk) <1000 6 - 8 400   B)HIZLI SOĞUTMA SUYU SPESIFIKASYONLARI Hücre hacmi (litre) Soğutma suyu basıncı  (Bar) Sıcaklık Akış hızı (litre/cycle) < 500 3 - 5 15 °C 200 500-1000 3 - 5 15 °C 300   F 0 KONTROL SEÇENEĞİ Yükün içine sıcaklık probu yerleştirilerek, ortamın yüksek sıcaklığa maruz kalma süresinin kısaltılması amaçlanır. Böylece, F 0 kontrolü ile aynı zamanda ölçüm alına süreler ve değerler bir algoritma ile hesaplanarak sıcaklık hassasiyeti olan ortamın zarar görmesi önlenir. KALDIRMA MEKANİZMASI The lifting device assists in loading and unloading heavy items, making it an effortless experience. The lifting device is attached to the autoclave and is equipped with an integrated swivel arm for maximum maneuverability. It is also equipped with a remote control for smooth handling of all load types. SEPET VE KONTEYNIR Bütün otoklav modelleri için çeşitli ebatlarda paslanmaz çelik tel sepetler ve konteynırlar.


Polartronic® V – <b class=red>The</b> Allrounder

Polartronic® V – The Allrounder

  Teknik Özellikler: Measurement scales °Optical rotation, °Specific rotation, °Z International Sugar Scale, % Concentration (g/mL, g/100mL, g/L) up to 1000 scales freely definable Measuring range ± 360° / ± 259°Z Resolution 0.001° / 0.01°Z Precision ± 0.005° / ± 0.015 °Z * Reproducibility ± 0.001° / ± 0.01 °Z Sensitivity  Up to OD 5 Wavelength  1 or 2 wavelengths fixed: 405, 435, 546, 578, 589, 633, 882 nm (others upon request) Response time ≤ 4 sec. over the entire measuring range Measuring tubes Different models, 10 to 200 mm length, Material: glass, stainless steel, acid-proof stainless steel, stainless-steel tubes with integrated temperature sensor*** Temperature measurement NTC sensor for measurement of sample temperature Range 0 °C – 99 °C Resolution 0.01 °C Precision ± 0.1 °C Light source LED, interference filter Display  7″ touchscreen, 800 x 480 pixel, 16 bit colors Operation Touchscreen, keyboard**, mouse**, barcode-reader**, remote via PC** Interface / Communication RS232 (1x), USB A (4x), USB B (1x), Ethernet (1x), LAN Conformity  International Pharmacopoeia, OIML, ASTM, ICUMSA, Australian Standard K157    


Sieva 3

Sieva 3

The new unique Filtration Centrifuge SIEVA-3 is the advancement of our Centrifuge SIEVA-2. By an opening in the lid it is possible to fill the centrifugal basket during rotation. The solids remain in the centrifugal basket and the liquid can run off through a opening on the right side. The inspection window in the centrifuge lid is made of safety glass and enables a visual monitoring of the centrifugation. The SIEVA-3 is very versatile and suitable for various applications. The cmplete housing is made of stainless steel and is therefore also resistant to highly corrosive agents. The operating principle of this centrifuge is the cake filtration, the filtration in which the required pressure force is generated in the centrifugal field. The perforated rotor is lined with a filter cloth. Due to the continuous inflow of the suspension, a filter cake builds up in the rotor, while the clarified liquid drains through the rotor casing or on the edge of the basket. The filtration centrifuge Sieva-3 is mainly used for batch separation of relatively coarse particles or crystalline substances


DIST 3 Disintegrasyon Cihazı

DIST 3 Disintegrasyon Cihazı

Pharma Test Dissolüsyon sistemlerine kullanıcının isteğine göre Fraksiyon toplayıcı, UV / VIS spektrofotometre, perilstaltik pompa (8 kanallı veya 16 kanallı), DAD spektrofotometre bağlanılarak otomatik kapalı kanal sistemler oluşturulabilir. Sistemlerin teknik özellikleri tercih edilen dissolüsyon cihazı ve tercih edilen diğer bileşenlerin teknik özelliklerine göre farklılıklar göstermektedir. Disintegrasyon Cihazları Pharma Test Disintegrasyon Cihazları tekli, ikili, üçlü ve dörtlü sistemler olarak sınıflandırılmaktadır. Sistemlerin tamamı USP, EP ve JP uyumluluğu göstermektedir. Sistemler basit kullanımlı sistemler olarak temin edilebileceği gibi tam otomatik sistemler olarak da temin edilebilir. DIST 3 Disintegrasyon Cihazı Teknik özellikler olarak PTZ S modeli ile benzer teknik özelliklere sahiptir. İstasyon sayısı 3 adettir. Teknik Özellikler: Ürün PT-DT 8 MODEL DİSSOLÜSYON CİHAZI Ekran  LED Ekran Tuş Takımı Fonksiyon tuşları Vuruş Sayısı 30 vuruş/dakika Hassasiyet ±1 Çalışma İstasyon Sayısı 3 Adet Tüm istasyonların hareketleri birbiri ile bağımlı Vuruş Yüksekliği 55 mm Test Zamanı 1 sn ile 10 saat arasında ayarlanabilir Termostat 30°C - 45°C arasında ayarlanabilir Sıcaklık Hassasiyeti ±0.3°C


PTF 10/20 ER Model Friability Cihazı

PTF 10/20 ER Model Friability Cihazı

Pharma Test Friability cihazları tek drum, 2 drum, 3 drum veya 6 drum'lı modellere sahiptir. Opsiyonel olarak abrasyon drum'ı ya da 10 o'lik drum'lar da kullanılabilmektedir.   PTF 10/20 ER Model Friability Cihazı PTF 10 ER Model cihazlar tek drum'lı, PTF 20 ER cihazlar iki drum'lıdır. Cihazlar USP, EP ve DAB farmakopilerine uyumludur.   Teknik Özellikler: Ürün PTF 10/20 ER Model Friability Cihazı Ekran  LED Ekran Tuş Takımı Fonksiyon tuşları Drum Rotasyon Hızı PTF 10ER / 20ER için 20 - 70 rpm  Hız Hassasiyeti ±1 rpm (±2 rpm > 40 rpm) Toplam Test Zaman Ayarı  1 - 9999 saniye arasında ayarlanabilir Tur Sayısı Ayarı 1 - 9999 tur arasında ayarlanabilir  


PTB 111EP Model Tablet Sertlik Cihazı

PTB 111EP Model Tablet Sertlik Cihazı

Pharma Test Tablet Sertlik cihazları genel kullanımlı modelleri PTB 111EP ve PTB 420 E olarak sınıflandırılmaktadır. PTB 420 E modelinde PTB 111EP modelinden farklı olarak terazi bağlanabilme bu sayede tabletin ağırlığını da ekranda görebilme özelliği mevcuttur. Bu 2 modelden farklı olarak tam otomatik tablet sertlik cihazı da mevcuttur.   PTB 111EP Model Tablet Sertlik Cihazı Tablet Sertlik Cihazlarının en yaygın kullanılan basic modelidir. Tablet ile ilgili kalınlık, çap ve sertlik gibi 3 farklı data elde edilebilmektedir. Teknik Özellikler: Ürün PTB 111EP Model Tablet Sertlik Cihazı Ölçüm Yapılabilen Değerler  Kalınlık, Çap (boy), Sertlik Ekran  LED Ekran (Örnekı numarası, kalınlık, çap(boy) ve sertlik görülebilir)  Tuş Takımı Numerik ve fonksiyon tuşları Test Aralığı Kalınlık 2.00 - 15.00  Çap 2.00 - 40.00 mm Sertlik 5 - 300 N Maksimum NUmune Boyutu  45 mm Hassasiyet <1N (1N'dan daha iyi) Ölçüm Birimleri Çap ve kalınlıkta mm veya inch  Sertlik Newton (N), kilopond (kp) veya Strong Cobb (Sc)


Tapped Density Cihazı

Tapped Density Cihazı

Pharma Test Tablet Sertlik cihazları genel kullanımlı modelleri PTB 311 E ve PTB 411 E olarak sınıflandırılmaktadır. PTB 411 E modelinde PTB 311 E modelinden farklı olarak terazi bağlanabilme bu sayede tabletin ağırlığını da ekranda görebilme özelliği mevcuttur. Bu 2 modelden farklı olarak tam otomatik tablet sertlik cihazı da mevcuttur.   Tapped Density Cihazı Pharma Test firmasının ürün portföyünde PT-TD 1 model olmak üzere tek tip tapped density cihazı mevcuttur. Cihaz standart olarak 250 ml'lik mezür ile sağlanmaktadır. Ancak; kullanıcı isteğine göre 100 ml.lik mezür seçeneğide mevcuttur. Teknik Özellikler: Ürün Tapped Density Cihazı Ekran  LED Ekran (Örnekı numarası, kalınlık, çap(boy) ve sertlik görülebilir)  Tuş Takımı Numerik ve fonksiyon tuşları Vuruş Sayısı 250 ± 15 vuruş/dakika Vuruş Yüksekliği 3.0 ± 0.2 mm Vuruş Sayısı Ayarı 10 - 9999 arasında ayarlanabilir Test İstasyon Sayısı  1 Mezür Hacmi Standart olarak 250 ml (Opsiyonel olarak 100 ml.) IQ / OQ işlemi tarafımızdan yapılmaktadır 


Proline Viskozimetre Banyo

Proline Viskozimetre Banyo

Teknik Özellikler: Ürün AdıPV 15PV 24PV 36PVL 15PVL 24PV 15CPV 24CPV 36CPVL 15CPVL 24C Minimum Çalışma Sıcaklığı °C 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Maksimum Çalışma Sıcaklığı °C 230 230 230 100 100 230 230 230 100 100 Arayüz   - - - - - RS-232/485 RS-232/485 RS-232/485 RS-232/485 RS-232/485 Sıcaklık Hassasiyeti ±K 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Maksimum Banyo Hacmi L 15 24 36 15 24 15 24 36 15 24 Banyo Derinliği mm 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 Güç  kW 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 Maksimum Pompa Basıncı bar 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 Akış Hızı L/dk. 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25


PTS3E Supozatuvar Test Cihazı

PTS3E Supozatuvar Test Cihazı

Teknik Özellikler: Ürün PTS3E Supozatuvar Test Cihazı Ekran  LED Ekran Tuş Takımı Fonksiyon tuşları Test Zamanı 1 dakika ile 10 saat arasında ayarlanabilir Termostat 30°C - 40°C arasında ayarlanabilir İstasyon Sayısı  3


Upright Freezer  Order No 6441

Upright Freezer Order No 6441

Only a reliable cooling technology and a first-class insulation ensure trouble-free long-term storage of cell lines, human, animal and plant tissues, fractions of the blood, vaccines, or reference cultures of micro-organisms, such as bacteria, yeasts, viruses and fungi.


	Chest Freezer Order No 6340

Chest Freezer Order No 6340

Only a reliable cooling technology and a first-class insulation ensure trouble-free long-term storage of cell lines, human, animal and plant tissues, fractions of the blood, vaccines, or reference cultures of micro-organisms, such as bacteria, yeasts, viruses and fungi.


	Water Bath for evaporation Order No 1023

Water Bath for evaporation Order No 1023

Applications For gentle steaming work with Erlenmeyer flasks and beakers.


Shaking Water Bath Order No 1083

Shaking Water Bath Order No 1083

Applications GFL Shaking Water Baths are particularly used whenever exactly reproducible temperatures are required for shaking tasks. Their scope of applications comprises incubations, fermentations, homogenisations, chemical and biochemical reactions, enzyme and tissue studies.


 Orbital Shaker Order No 3005

Orbital Shaker Order No 3005

Applications This compact Orbital Shaker proves its performance capability in daily use in biology and microbiology laboratories and in diagnostic test reactions. It is also used in laboratories, incubation and moderating rooms at ambient temperatures between +10 and +50 °C.


Shaking Incubator  Order No 3031

Shaking Incubator Order No 3031

Shaking Incubator 3031 is used for applications that require exactly reproducible circular motion and temperatures up to 70 °C. It is preferred by standard and research laboratories for incubations, fermentations, homogenisations, chemical and biochemical reactions, enzyme and tissue studies, as well as for cultivating bacteria cultures.


Hybridisation Incubator  Order No 7601

Hybridisation Incubator Order No 7601

Due to the small quantity of necessary hybridisation liquid it is possible to work with a high concentration of probes or antibodies. Therefore, the Hybridisation Incubator 7601 is considered as the ideal unit for exact hybridisations of DNA and RNA probes with nucleic acid on filter paper and for incubations of protein blots with antibodies.


Reciprocating Shaker Order No 3006

Reciprocating Shaker Order No 3006

Applications This shaker is successfully used in medical diagnostics or analysis as well as for growing micro-organisms, cell and tissue cultures. It is particularly used in laboratories, incubation and moderating rooms at ambient temperatures between +10 and +50 °C.


Mini Incubator  Order No 4010

Mini Incubator Order No 4010

Mini Incubator 4010 is most suitable for incubations that demand exactly reproducible temperatures as well as for tempering, warming and drying of samples. The lift-up, see-through acrylic cover permits a clear view of the cultures in the interior cabinet.


Mini Tube Roller Incubator  Order No 4020

Mini Tube Roller Incubator Order No 4020

Universally applicable for incubations and hybridisations: Mini Tube Roller Incubator 4020. Due to its constant rotation speed of 13 rpm, it provides even results and high resolutions of the detections even when in continuous use. The lift-up, see-through acrylic cover permits a clear view of the cultures in the interior cabinet.


Vibration Shaker  Order No 3023

Vibration Shaker Order No 3023

Applications Reliable, versatile, efficient - the characteristics that make this shaker so interesting for use in medical diagnostics, biotechnology or microbiology. The unit is well-suited for use in laboratories, incubation and moderating rooms in ambient temperatures between +10 and +50 °C


Test Tube Rotating Shaker  Order No 3025

Test Tube Rotating Shaker Order No 3025

Applications Smooth and exact motion - that is what this rotator model guarantees when it comes to separating and/or mixing applications. The unit is well-suited for use in laboratories, incubation and moderating rooms in ambient temperatures between +10 and +50 °C.


Rocking Shaker  Order No 3013

Rocking Shaker Order No 3013

Applications This model has proven itself through reliable and perfect work, also for continuous operation, and is always called upon when the best possible supply of parallel cultures and cell lines is required, or for staining or discoloration of gels. The unit is well-suited for use in laboratories, incubation and moderating rooms in ambient temperatures between +10 and +50 °C.


Overhead Rotator  Order No 3040

Overhead Rotator Order No 3040

Applications The uniform rotating motion of this special Shaker make it particularly well-suited for the mixing of powdery, pasty or liquid samples, as well as the preparation of soil samples and sludges. This unit can be used in ambient temperatures between +10 and +40 °C.


Radleys Mya 4 Reaction Station

Radleys Mya 4 Reaction Station

A 4-zone reaction station offering safe and precise heating, active cooling,software control and data-logging for 24/7 unattended chemistry


MMM Ecocell 22 - ECO line

MMM Ecocell 22 - ECO line

Convincingly cost saving laboratory dryer 22-liter chamber volume Working temperature of from +5°C over ambient temperature up to 250/300°C Natural fine air flow in the chamber, noiseless operation High-quality and safe drying, heating and tempering of common laboratory materials in laboratories and industry High operation comfort, precise temperature regulation and short times of temperature recovery in the chamber after the door opening Model with a Fuzzy logic microprocessor control system; control elements situated on a foil keyboard, process information indicated on a LED display Wide range of optional equipment and accessories Output for a printer or PC connection Validation possibility (IQ , OQ)




Suitable for safe treatment of microbiological cultures. The INCUCELL line produces no noise and provides a very soft air flow within the chamber. These devices can be used especially in biological and microbiological laboratories, quality tests in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, and for testing in veterinary medicine and food industry. Internal volume: 22, 55, 111, 222, 404, and 707 liters Working temperature range: from 5°C above ambient temperature up to 100°C Inner glass door Inner chamber: Stainless steel DIN 1.4301 (AISI 304)   Natural, precise – laboratory incubator 22-liter chamber volume Working temperature of from +5°C above ambient up to 100°C Noiseless operation and fine air flow in the chamber High operation comfort, precise temperature regulation and short times of temperature recovery in the chamber after the door opening High-quality and safe drying, heating and tempering of common laboratory materials in laboratories and industry; suitable for safe processing of microbiological cultures Model with a Fuzzy logic microprocessor control system; control elements situated on a foil keyboard, process information indicated on a LED display Wide range of optional equipment and accessories Output for a printer or PC connection Validation possibility (IQ , OQ)   Technical data Interior of stainless steel material No. 1.4301 volume22 l depth350 mm width240 mm height300 mm Tray standard equipment2 pcs storage area (w × d)185×265 mm racks4 max. number distance between guide rails60 mm Maximal weight of the load*) inside the oven25 kg/oven per tray10 kg/tray Door 1 pcs External dimensions (including door and handle) depth560 mm diameter of the air branch outer / inner52/49 mm width406 mm height, incl. Feet (N) and Rolls (K)610 (N) Package dimensions (three layers carton) depth720 mm width500 mm depth810 mm Weight brut36 kg nett31 kg Working temperature (beginning of the regulation) from 5 °C above ambient temp. to:100 °C Temperature accuracy according to DIN 12 880 T2 at working temperature with closed air flap and door time variation cca (±)0,4 °C space deviation cca (±)1,1 °C Time required to reach 37 °C with closed air flap and voltage 230 V 70 min Heat emission at 37 °C 20 W Air exchange speed at 37 °C 4 per hour Electricity - mains 50/60 Hz max. power0,24 kW nominal voltage230 V current1,1 A power by stand by5 W *) Approx. 50 % of the tray area can be filled in a way a uniform air circulation is enabled inside the chamber. Note: All technical data are related to 22 °C ambient temperature and +-10 % voltage swing (if not specified).




As a compact table top unit, the OLEUM centrifuge is used for oil test methods. Therefore, water content in the mineral oil is examinated. The OLEUM centrifuge comes with a four place swing out rotor which accomodates cushions for oil test tubes according to ASTM: Conical or Pearshaped form.






Multi-Range Vacuum Gauge PIZA 111 cr - gold

Multi-Range Vacuum Gauge PIZA 111 cr - gold

With the Multi-Range Vacuum Gauge types PIZA 111 and PIZA 111 cr – gold, you can measure absolute pressures in the vacuum range which is created by water jet pumps, diaphragm pumps, piston pumps, rotary vane pumps and similar devices. The surfaces of the different wetted parts of the sensor for the PIZA cr - gold have been specially treated, making it highly resistant to chemicals. The Multi-Range Vacuum Gauges are supplied as a hand-held instrument. The range of applications for the Multi-Range Vacuum Gauge is determined by the following characteristics: - Measuring range 1050 mbar to 0.001 mbar, SP1 function display, with automatic switchover between capacitive and Pirani measuring ranges. - Capacitive absolute pressure measurement in the range from 5 (10) to 1050 mbar; SP 2 function display. - Vacuum measurement according to the pirani principle in the range from 0.001 to 10 (5) mbar; SP 3 function display. - Two-point calibration of the capacitive measuring range - Two-point calibration of the Pirani measuring range - High display resolution in digital read-out - High display speed Scope of delivery: vacuum sensor, KF16 flange, 8 – 10 mm stepped hose nozzle, cable, AC/DC adapter and 9V battery.


Lauda TC1

Lauda TC1

For the first time, the compact TC1 offers maximum precision and ease of use, even for manual devices. Precisely repeatable and with a high resolution, measurements are made problem-free for the first time with the integrated assistant. No other device in this class measures more precisely. Also featured are integrated standard methods, an acoustic measuring assistant, GLP-compliant user management and extendibility using the compact PTT+, which not only makes temperature control thermostating highly precise but also saves space.


LAUDA Measuring stand S 5

LAUDA Measuring stand S 5

The measuring stand S 5 The S 5 is the actual measuring station of the PVS system. The head of the stand-alone measuring stand S 5 is comprised of the opto-electronic meniscus detectors as well as the entire micro-processor control of the measuring process including miniature pump and valves in the head of the unit. The measuring time of the sample is determined to the millisecond using a processor-controlled infrared light sensor. The robust micro-pump for pushing the sample up into the measuring ball as well as the chemicalresistant valves in the head of the stand make reliable continuous operation possible.



dvanced measurement area up to 300 mN/m or 5 g Automatic maximum detection Output of the measured values to optional printer at the touch of a button Automatic measurement value corrections according to Zuidema and Waters Semi-automatic calibration in three accuracy levels with calibration weights Input of ring/plate dimensions possible Storage of up to 500 measurement results with parameters Numeric, user-defined sample designation


Hei-TORQUE Overhead Stirrers

Hei-TORQUE Overhead Stirrers

The powerful Hei-TORQUE series can accomplish the most demanding mixing tasks whilst providing the highest safety and increased operating lifetime. New Hei-TORQUE Core - the lightweight for big tasks! The compact design of the new Hei-TORQUE Core allows its use in closed systems such as fume hoods, reactors and production systems. With a net weight of 2.3 kg it is lightweight yet powerful enough to handle a variety of basic stirring applications with a maximum performance of 40 Ncm torque. The new Core model complements the Hei-Torque range of laboratory overhead stirrer series; providing an easy to use, entry level unit which has the same robustness and reliability from Heidolph.


Lauda Scientific surface analyzer LSA 60

Lauda Scientific surface analyzer LSA 60

robust and precise measurement of contact engel versatile automatic dosing system available large sample stage with precise z-axis for easy handling extremely accurate surface tension measurements using the pendant drop method budget- friendly entry level device with high end accuracy


MAP Check 3

MAP Check 3

12.7cm renkli dokunmatik ekran USB ve Ethernet ile geliştirilmiş veri kaydı yetenekleri Dansensor MAP Mix Provectus gaz karıştırıcısını kontrol edebilme özelliği Modbus TCP ile genişletilmiş uzaktan izleme ve kontrol seçenekleri Manuel teste kıyasla işçilik ve atık maliyetlerini azaltır  Gaz tüketimi Gas Save fonksiyonuyla kaydedilir ve görüntülenir İsteğe bağlı GasSave işleviyle veya Dansensor MAP Mix Provectus gaz karıştırıcısı ile eşleştirildiğinde büyük gaz tasarrufu sağlar PC yazılımı


DIN EN ISO 1182 Non-Combustibility Apparatus

DIN EN ISO 1182 Non-Combustibility Apparatus

DIN EN ISO 1182 Standardına uygun Ocağın dengeli yerleştirmesi için yüksek kalite , kaplamalı çelik ayak çerçevesi Uzun vadeli bakım gerektirmeyen paslanmaz çelik, hassas ısıtma borusu numuneyi güvenle gözlemlemek için ayaklı metal ayna Numune tutucu olaran CrNİ alaşımlı sepet NİCrNİ termokulp ile bakır kalibrasyon bloğu Ocak ısını ölçmek için 4 NİCrNİ termokulp Ölçüm ve kontrol ünitesi TBB control SBC,32GB SSD,Windows 8.1,7 renkli dokunmatik ekran, ölçüm ve kontrol modülü ve 1x RS232 2x USB 1x Ethernet girişi TNB 2016 Yazılımı için tek lisans


FAR Part 25 Appendix F Part VI, Airbus AITM 2.0053, Boeing BSS 7365  -<b class=red>The</b>rmal/Acoustic Insulation Flame Propagation Apparatus

FAR Part 25 Appendix F Part VI, Airbus AITM 2.0053, Boeing BSS 7365 -Thermal/Acoustic Insulation Flame Propagation Apparatus

  bir test odasında hem radyan bir ısı kaynağına hem de aleve maruz kaldığında ısıl / akustik yalıtımın yanıcılığını ve alev yayılma özelliklerini değerlendirmek için kullanılır. Radyan ısı eğimli bir elektrik paneli vasıtasıyla uygulanır ve yatay olarak monte edilmiş bir numuneye yönlendirilir. Oda sıcaklığı bir termokupl ile izlenir ve programlanabilir bir LCD metrede görüntülenir. Test süresi, programlanabilir bir elektronik LCD zamanlayıcı ile ölçülür.    


<b class=red>The</b> iCone²⁺ Calorimeter- ISO 5660; ASTM E1354; ASTM E1474; ASTM E1740; ASTM F1550; ASTM D6113

The iCone²⁺ Calorimeter- ISO 5660; ASTM E1354; ASTM E1474; ASTM E1740; ASTM F1550; ASTM D6113

Ardışık 10 rampa veya tutma adımına kadar programlanabilir ısı akısına maruz kalma Testten önce numuneyi ısıya maruz bırakmaktan korumak için motorlu ısı kalkanının otomatik / manuel kontrolü Yanma gazlarını numuneden yakmak için kıvılcım ateşleyicisinin konumlandırılması ve kontrolü otomatik / manuel olarak kontrol edilir Yangın modeli etrafında cereyansız bir ortam sağlayan, her taraftan net görüntü sağlayan geri çekilebilir 4 tarafı ısıya dayanıklı cam koruyucu ekranın otomatik / manuel kontrolü Numuneye bitişik 4 "renkli dokunmatik ekran kontrol paneli ConeCalc Software tarafından gaz analiz cihazlarının ve tüm kalorimetrenin otomatik kalibrasyonu ve kontrolü 0.01g yük hücresi çözünürlüğü ve 8.2kg'a kadar yük kapasitesi Egzoz fanından titreşimi önlemek için bağımsız bir tablaya monte edilmiş hücre yükleyin Numune hazırlama ve temizleme için numune platformuna tamamen erişim Temizlemesi kolay, büyük ve oldukça dayanıklı siyah granit çalışma yüzeyi Yangın modeli koruma alarm sistemi FTT'den çevrimiçi destek ve enstrümanların uzaktan kontrolü


ISF1-Z incubator shaker

ISF1-Z incubator shaker

ISF1-Z inkübatör çalkalayıcı, laboratuvarlardaki, araştırma merkezlerindeki ve üretim tesislerindeki uygulamalar için uygundur.İnkübatör çalkalayıcı, mikrobiyal, bitki ve hayvan hücre kültürleri için uygulanabilir.


VariRef – Refractometer

VariRef – Refractometer

VariRef C VariRef B VariRef A Measuring scales Refractive Index (RI), Sucrose (% Brix)Standard scales included, freely definable scales Refractive Index (RI), Sucrose (% Brix), USG Measuring range 1.2900 – 1.5800 RI / 100% Brix 1.29000 – 1.58000 RI / 100% Brix1.32000 – 1.70000 RI / 100% Brix 1.320000 – 1.580000 RI / 100% Brix Precision ± 0.0001 RI* / ± 0.05% Brix* ± 0.00002 RI* / ± 0.02% Brix* ± 0.00002 RI / ± 0.02% Brix* Repeatability ± 0.0001 RI / ± 0.05% Brix ± 0.00002 RI / ± 0.02% Brix ± 0.000005 RI / ± 0.006% Brix Resolution 0.0001 RI / 0.05% Brix 0.00001 RI / 0.01% Brix 0.000001 RI / 0.001% Brix Ambient temperature + 10 °C to + 40 °C Temperature measurement NTC sensor Temperature range 5 °C to 80 °C 5 °C to 100 °C 20 °C (others upon request) Temperature precision / resolution ± 0.03 °C* / 0.01 °C Minimum sample volume 0,6 ml Temperature stabilization time 25 °C to 20 °C, ± 0.1 °C, in 1 minute (valid for ambient temp. = 20 °C) Measurement mode Single sample or flow through measurement (with optional compartment door) Prism Sapphire Sapphire / YAG Sapphire Light source / wavelength LED, interference filter 589 nm Display 7” Touchscreen**, 800 x 480 Pixel Operation Touchscreen**, Keyboard***, Mouse***, Barcode Reader***, Remote via PC / Tablet / Smartphone*** Interfaces Ethernet 10/100/1000, RS232, SH connector, USB, WLAN**, Modbus**, Canbus**, Profibus** Conformity International Pharmacopoeia, ASTM, AOAC, DIN, FDA, ICUMSA and others Power VAC 90-265; 50/60 Hz; 150 W max. Dimensions With display: 310 x 220 x 250 mm (w x d x h); without display: 310 x 220 x 150 mm (w x d x h) Highlights Modularity; user friendliness; fast temperature control; easy cleaning; variety of complete special sample room doors, e.g. for single or flow through measurements or for solid samples; the self-checking capabilities for cleanliness; environment temperature effects; calibration and more result in a virtually maintenance free product; 21 CFR Part 11 conform; ELN; LIMS ready




Specifications VariDens C VariDens B Measuring range 0 – 3 g/cm3 Temperature range 10 – 95 °C* (regulated Peltier thermoelement) Pressure range 0 to 10 bar, (0 to 1 MPa) Density accuracy ± 0.0005 g/cm3 ± 0.00005 g/cm3 Resolution 0.0001 g/cm3 0.00001 g/cm3 Reproducibility ± 0.0002 g/cm3 ± 0.00002 g/cm3 Temperature accuracy ± 0.05 °C ± 0.03 °C Resolution 0.01 °C 0.001 °C Reproducibility ± 0.02 °C ± 0.01 °C Wetted parts Borosilicate glass, PTFE Bubble detection Yes (combined: visual-electronic) Drying Integrated air pump Temperature compensation Yes Minimum sample amount Approx. 1.5 ml Measuring time per sample** < 10 sec < 30 sec Display None or 7″ touchscreen, 800 x 480 Pixel Interfaces Ethernet 10/100/1000, RS232, SuH-Connector, USB, WLAN***, Modbus***, Canbus***, Profibus*** Ambient conditions Temperature 10 °C to 35 °C, Humidity < 85% not condensing Power supply VAC 90-265; 50/60 Hz; 150 maximum Dimensions With display: 310 x 220 x 235 mm (W x D x H) / without display: 310 x 220 x 150 mm (W x D x H) Standards International Pharmacopoeia, ASTM, AOAC, DIN, FDA, ICUMSA and others


Coloromat® 100

Coloromat® 100

SPECIFICATIONS Coloromat 100 – V2 Optics Single beam photometer Wavelength range 340 – 900 nm* Pre-installed filters 560, 420, 720 nm FWHM 420 nm = 4 nm** 720 and 560 nm = 7 nm** Wavelength selection Via touch screen Light source LED Measuring range 0 – 16,000 ICUMSA Units (IU) Measuring accuracy ± 0.020 extinction at 420 nm ± 0.010 extinction at 560 nm ± 0.010 extinction at 720 nm ± 0.020 extinction at optional filters Resolution extinction 0.001 Resolution ICUMSA 1 IU Accuracy IU ± 10 % for colors < 20 IU ± 5 % for colors > 20 IU Operator Interface Touch screen for direct functions and alphanumerical inputs Data presentation Graphic display Data output RS232C & USB Operating temperature 10 – 40°C Languages English and German / Indonesian / Russian / Spanish   • Objective and repeatable measurements • 3 fixed wavelengths 340, 420 and 720 nm • Very narrow band width • 6 optional wavelengths (in the range of 340 - 900 nm)* • Automatic wavelength setting • Polarimeter cells up to 100 mm usable • Single or flow through measurements • Remote control via PC • Data output to PC or to directly connected printer, also via USB • Up to 250 methods programmable • GLP / GMP conform documentation • Largly maintenanee free   * For WL < 500 nm and > 700 nm, additional LED's may be required to ensure measurement accuracy and stability ** This very narrow half-value width enables high measurement accuracy as well as very good repeatability


Purity Analyzer

Purity Analyzer

Purity Analyser The market leader for Purity Analyser The Schmidt + Haensch Purity Analyser is an inherent part in the analysis of the sucrose content. It is applied at payment laboratories of the cane and beet sugar receptions. The open modular structure of the Schmidt + Haensch instrumentation allows the direct, flexible coupling of different instruments. The Purity Analyser is the coupling of the Refactometer (ATR Serie) to the Saccharomat® (Quartz-Wedge Polarimeter) or the Polartronic (Circular Polarimeter/Saccharimeter). Both instruments are linked to one electronic controller showing the calculated value %purity of the sugar solution according to “Schmitz-Table” respectively the “Weighing Method” on the same display. Even directly coupled the flexibility allows an independent use of each single instrument as well as the determination of direct measurements indicated in °Z, °Pol, %Brix according to the ICUMSA methods. Schmidt + Haensch instruments achieve uncompromisingly precise and highly effective measurement values.


iCS Bypass

iCS Bypass

VariVent connection ID-N° 16231 APV connection ID-N° 16232 Drain pipe connection like Silent-PP branch pipe DN50/40,other dimensions on request ID-N° 15482 Bypass with mini plug couplers DN27 ID-N° 16229


High-Res Process Refraktometre

High-Res Process Refraktometre

SCHMIDT + HAENSCH is proud to present the in-Line Process Refractometer High Resulution 2  model. This inline refractometer is perfect for all applications where a measuring needs to be as precise as laboratory testing. The iPR-HR2 is unrivaled in accuracy and can most certainly be claimed the world’s most precise process sensor. With a special water cooling system, the iPR-HR2 not only allows measuring in hot process environments and cleaning in place (CIP) – it also and ensures reliable measurements throughout its long product life span.  SPECIFICATIONS iPR HR 2 Measuring range 1 1.3200 - 1.3720 RI / 0 - 25 Brix Measuring range 2 1.4200 - 1.6000 RI / 50 - 100 Brix Resolution 0.000005 RI / 0.002 Brix Reproducibility ± 0.00004 RI / ± 0.02 Brix at 25°C ± 0.01 Brix up to 2% Process temperature -10°C up to + 100°C (with water cooling installed) Ambient temperature -10 - 45°C Pressure load capacity MPa (145 psi, 10 bar) - up to 30 bar available with APV conncection External power supply 20 V - 30 V DC ( at 24 V and 0.11 A) Interfaces 2 insulated 4 - 20 mA analog outputs 2 digital output switch (up to 1 A) 1 serial output (RS232, alternativly RS485 or USB) Power supply 24 V DC Prism Sapphire Light source / wavelength 589 nm LED Process contact material Sapphire, Stainless steel or Hastelloy Mounting accessories VariVent (Tuchenhagen), APV or TriClamp** * Standard conditions (589 nm, 20°C) ** Optional


Compact InLine Proses Refraktometre

Compact InLine Proses Refraktometre

SPECIFICATIONS iPR C 2 Measuring scales Refractive Index (RI), Sucrose (Brix) (already included) Up to 4 scales freely definable Measuring range 1.3200 - 1.4209 RI / 0 - 50 Brix Resolution 0.0001 RI / 0.05 Brix Accuracy ± 0.0002 RI / ± 0.15 Brix at 25°C ATC range Brix +10 to +50°C Process temperature - 10° to + 65°C Process pressure max. 30 bar Temperature measurement NTC sensor for measurement of sample temperature placed inside the prism Interfaces 1 insulated 4 - 20 mA analog output 1 digital output switch (up to 1 A) 1 serial output (RS232, alternatively RS485 or USB) Power supply 24 V DC Prism Sapphire Data output 4 - 20 mA Process contact material Stainless steel or Hastelloy Dimension 150 mm x ø 65mm, approx. 1000g Mounting accessories VariVent (Tuchenhagen), APV or TriClamp** * Standard conditions (589 nm, 20°C) ** Optional


Full Range Inline Process Refraktometre

Full Range Inline Process Refraktometre

SPECIFICATIONS iPR FR2 Measuring range 1 1.3200 - 1.5300 RI / 0-100 Brix Measuring range 2 1.4200 - 1.6000 RI / 50 - 100 Brix Resolution 0.00001 RI / 0.01 Brix Accuracy ±0.00007 RI / ± 0,05 Brix at 25° C Process temperature - 10°C to 150°C (with water cooling) Ambient temperature - 10° to + 45°C Pressure load capacity MPa (145 psi, 10 bar) - up to 30 bar available with APV conncection Temperature measurement NTC sensor for measurement of sample temperature placed inside the prism Interfaces 2 insulated 4 - 20 mA analog outputs 2 digital output switch (up to 1 A) 1 serial output (RS232, alternativly RS485 or USB) Power supply 24 V DC Prism Sapphire Light source / wavelength 589 nm LED Process pressure (max.) MPa (145 psi, 10 bar) Process contact material Sapphire, Stainless steel or Hastelloy Mounting accessories VariVent (Tuchenhagen), APV or TriClamp** * Standard conditions (589 nm, 20°C) ** Optional


Z 160 M

Z 160 M

he powerful and compact model Z 167 M is a replacement for our previous model Z 160 M. A brushless, maintenance free motor provides extremely fast acceleration and deceleration of the 18 place rotor. This Micro Centrifuge is supplied with the 18 place rotor for 1.5/2.0 ml tubes.


PTZ S Disintegrasyon Cihazı

PTZ S Disintegrasyon Cihazı

Pharma Test Dissolüsyon sistemlerine kullanıcının isteğine göre Fraksiyon toplayıcı, UV / VIS spektrofotometre, perilstaltik pompa (8 kanallı veya 16 kanallı), DAD spektrofotometre bağlanılarak otomatik kapalı kanal sistemler oluşturulabilir. Sistemlerin teknik özellikleri tercih edilen dissolüsyon cihazı ve tercih edilen diğer bileşenlerin teknik özelliklerine göre farklılıklar göstermektedir. Disintegrasyon Cihazları Pharma Test Disintegrasyon Cihazları tekli, ikili, üçlü ve dörtlü sistemler olarak sınıflandırılmaktadır. Sistemlerin tamamı USP, EP ve JP uyumluluğu göstermektedir. Sistemler basit kullanımlı sistemler olarak temin edilebileceği gibi tam otomatik sistemler olarak da temin edilebilir.   PTZ S Disintegrasyon Cihazı Cihaz tek sepetli sistemdir. Teknik özellikleri aşağıda yer aldığı şekildedir. Teknik Özellikler: Ürün PTZ S Disintegrasyon Cihazı Ekran  LED Ekran Tuş Takımı Fonksiyon tuşları Vuruş Sayısı 30 vuruş/dakika Hassasiyet ±1 Çalışma İstasyon Sayısı 3 Adet Tüm istasyonların hareketleri birbiri ile bağımlı Vuruş Yüksekliği 55 mm Test Zamanı 1 sn ile 10 saat arasında ayarlanabilir Termostat 30°C - 45°C arasında ayarlanabilir Sıcaklık Hassasiyeti ±0.3°C


Drop Volume Tensiometre

Drop Volume Tensiometre

Teknik Özellikler: ÜrünLAUDA TVT 2/ELAUDA TVT 2/M Minimum Ölçme Aralığı  mN/m 0.10 0.10 Maksimum Ölçme Aralığı mN/m 100 100 Resolution Hub   0.10 0.10 Resolution Volume µl 0.01 0.01 Resolution surface tension/tension limit mN/m 0.01 0.01 Damla Formasyon Zamanı s 0.10 0.10 Hassasiyet   Approx. 0.5 % of the end value of the surface tension   Drop times   0.04 (at 5 ml); 170 (at up to 0.25 ml)   Hız Kontrolü   < 0.1 < 0.1

