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Water Bath for evaporation Order No 1023
Applications For gentle steaming work with Erlenmeyer flasks and beakers.
Shaking Water Bath Order No 1083
Applications GFL Shaking Water Baths are particularly used whenever exactly reproducible temperatures are required for shaking tasks. Their scope of applications comprises incubations, fermentations, homogenisations, chemical and biochemical reactions, enzyme and tissue studies.
Radleys Mya 4 Reaction Station
A 4-zone reaction station offering safe and precise heating, active cooling,software control and data-logging for 24/7 unattended chemistry
ISF1-Z incubator shaker
ISF1-Z inkübatör çalkalayıcı, laboratuvarlardaki, araştırma merkezlerindeki ve üretim tesislerindeki uygulamalar için uygundur.İnkübatör çalkalayıcı, mikrobiyal, bitki ve hayvan hücre kültürleri için uygulanabilir.
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1102
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, such as e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Shaking Water Bath Order No 1086
Applications GFL Shaking Water Baths are particularly used whenever exactly reproducible temperatures are required for shaking tasks. Their scope of applications comprises incubations, fermentations, homogenisations, chemical and biochemical reactions, enzyme and tissue studies.
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1103
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, such as e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Shaking Water Bath Order No 1092
Applications GFL Shaking Water Baths are particularly used whenever exactly reproducible temperatures are required for shaking tasks. Their scope of applications comprises incubations, fermentations, homogenisations, chemical and biochemical reactions, enzyme and tissue studies
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1104
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, such as e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples
Thermolab Order No 1070
Applications THERMOLAB ® is versatilely applicable and exemplary when an excellent temperature constancy is called for, e. g. for polymerase chain reactions (PCR), for the preparation of enzyme and DNA tests or hybridisations
SPECIFICATIONS ATR-P Measuring scales Refractive Index (RI), Sucrose (%Brix)Up to 1000 scales freely definable Measuring range 1.32000 - 1.54000 RI / 100% Brix Resolution 0.00001 RI / 0.01% Brix Precision ± 0,00002 RI / ± 0.02% Brix Reproducibility ± 0.00001 RI / ± 0.01% Brix Ambient temperature + 10° to + 40°C Automatic temperature compensation + 5° to + 50°C Temperature measurement NTC sensor for measurement of sample temperature placed inside the prism Temperature controlTemperature range Temperature control prism / sample by external water bath5°C / 50°C Measurement mode Single sample or flow through measurement / horizontal or vertical usage Prism Sapphire Light source / wavelength LED, interference filter 589 nm Display 7" Touchscreen, 800 x 480 Pixel, 16 Bit colors Operation Touchscreen, keyboard**, mouse**, barcode reader**, remote via PC** Interfaces 1 x RS232 C serial, 3 x USB (A), 1 x USB (B), 1 x Ethernet, Easy connection of keyboard, mouse, printer, barcode reader,PC and network Conformity International Pharmacopoea, ASTM, AOAC, DIN, FDA, ICUMSA and others Highlights Robust stainless steel measuring head for rough enviroments; High performance and accuracy; Continuous measurement;ESH¹ chamber; MBS² as stand alone with L-Display or polarimeter; Easy calibration; GLP/GMP;With theL-Display: Maintenancefriendlybyremotediagnostic; Intuitive userhandling guided OPsystem; Installationwizard;Full traceability of records; Ext. LIMS integration; Huge storage for 1000 products each with 1000 methods; 21 CFR part 11ready conformity³1 Easy sample handling; ² Modular build-in-system; 3 Optional software module for the L-Display Weight / dimensions Measuring Head: 4.5 kg; 200 x 160 x 135 mm (width x depth x height)L-Display: 3.0 kg; 240 x 190 x 150 mm (width x depth x height)
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1105
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for heating up medical compresses/hot packs as well as for incubations and inactivations of cultures, e. g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1108
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, such as e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1112
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, such as e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1113
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, such as e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1002
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, such as e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Incubation/Inactivation Bath Order No 1003
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, as well as e. g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Incubation/Inactivation Water Bath Order No 1004
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples, as well as for heating up medical compresses/hot packs.
Incubation/Inactivation Water Bath Order No 1005
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for heating up medical compresses/hot packs as well as for incubations and inactivations of cultures, e. g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Incubation/Inactivation Water Bath Order No 1008
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, as well as e. g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Incubation/Inactivation Water Bath Order No 1012
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Incubation/Inactivation Water Bath Order No 1013
Applications The Water Bath is successfully used for incubations and inactivations of cultures, e.g. for warming bacteriological media, processing chemical reactions or thawing frozen samples.
Water Bath for fume hoods Order No 1031
Applications For gentle steaming work with Erlenmeyer flasks, beakers, etc. This special bath is also preferred for the protected use in fume hoods (digestories).
Water Bath for fume hoods Order No 1032
Applications For gentle steaming work with Erlenmeyer flasks, beakers, etc. This special bath is also preferred for the protected use in fume hoods (digestories).
Multiple Water Bath Order No 1041
Applications Especially suitable when particular requirements to quality and quantity have to be met, e. g. for gentle multiple steaming work from columns, Erlenmeyer flasks or beakers.
Multiple Water Bath Order No 1042
Applications Especially suitable when particular requirements to quality and quantity have to be met, e. g. for gentle multiple steaming work from columns, Erlenmeyer flasks or beakers.
Tissue Float Bath Order No 1052
Applications This special bath is preferably used for stretching and drying cut tissues in histological, pathological, chemical, clinical and bacteriological laboratories.