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Shaking Incubator Order No 3031
Shaking Incubator 3031 is used for applications that require exactly reproducible circular motion and temperatures up to 70 °C. It is preferred by standard and research laboratories for incubations, fermentations, homogenisations, chemical and biochemical reactions, enzyme and tissue studies, as well as for cultivating bacteria cultures. Shaker Order No 3019
Applications This powerful orbital shaker is preferably used for e. g. analytical or diagnostic applications in the pharmaceutical industry, chemistry, biology, in plant breeding or nutritional industry. It is well-suited for use in laboratories, incubation and moderating rooms in ambient temperatures between +10 and +50 °C. Shaker Order No 3020
Applications This powerful orbital shaker is preferably used for e. g. analytical or diagnostic applications in the pharmaceutical industry, chemistry, biology, in plant breeding or nutritional industry. It is well-suited for use in laboratories, incubation and moderating rooms in ambient temperatures between +10 and +50 °C. Test Attachment for NBS Smoke Density Chamber ABD0031
Bu test yöntemi, uzay aracı araçlarının içinde kullanılan malzemeleri veya yapıları değerlendirmek için kullanılır, Bu testin sonuçları, belirli bir son kullanımın yangın tehlikesi değerlendirmesinde geçerli olan tüm faktörleri dikkate alan bir yangın riski değerlendirmesinin unsurları olarak kullanılabilir.